27 Apr 2014

Writing and Metacognitive Analysis

Preliminary Notes
To be honest, I don’t really think that…, because in fact they are not essential for our physical existence. But maybe they are essential for our spirit.
What we write remains forever. Man can exert a great power with the things he writes. You cannot change it.
Something that you read may change your life forever. And there are certain types of writings that can even save your life.
It is a different way of communicating things.
Writing touches emotions.
You can read the same things over and over again, and according to the moment in which you read it, you experience different things in your inner self.
Writing has the power to show you who you are. You have the chance to read and reflect upon what you are reading.
Based on the same piece of writing, various opinions arise and  great variety of interpretations.
The text takes independence from the writer. It transcends time and place. Affects people belonging to different cultures and historical times.
Some written pieces are like a window to ancient times, and are helpful to explore ‘past times’.
Tool of communication.

Writer: Think about famous writers, but in fact, anybody could be a writer.
Reading what somebody else has written can be a way of sharing an experience with a total stranger. It is a way of connecting and interacting with unknowns

Only by reading the title one may be tempted to ask: Is it really so? Some people may claim that we can go on living without the presence of any writing or writer; and although this is true, because in fact writing is not essential for our human existence, writing is essential for our spirit.
Writing is much more than a mere tool that serves the purposes of communication; it exerts great power. Writing has the power to get to people’s deepest thoughts and emotions and who those peoples really are. In addition, what somebody writes remains forever, so people have the chance to read the same piece of writing over and over again. This creates the possibility to read the same at different moments, or to reflect upon what you are reading, so the writing will affect each people in a different way according to the moment. There are even some pieces of writing that could change a person’s life forever, and this is exactly why it could be said that it exerts great power.
Writing can also be a way of sharing an experience with a total stranger; so in this way, it gives the possibility of connecting with people…

Metacognitive Analysis: Even before becoming embedded with the theory, it can easily be said that this is definitely not a good piece of writing. So, after having considered the theoretical aspects regarding the process of writing, what has been typed above should not even be called ‘writing’. As the name itself reveals, writing is a Process, and I had never viewed it from that perspective before.
Since writing is a process, there are several steps to follow; unfortunately, I was not aware of that fact. At the very moment in which I was supposed to put all my knowledge into practice and cause an impression since it was my first Writing class in the year, I was blocked, staring at the blank sheet of paper, and with tens of opposing ideas rounding my mind. I knew for sure that I could not simply jump into the writing without organizing my ideas first, or giving some thought to the central idea I wanted to develop. So I started writing down some ‘preliminary notes’, that is, all the ideas that crossed my mind when I thought about the topic. After that, I started to organize them following different criteria, but I realized that time was flying by and my sheet of paper was still in blank, so I just started writing bearing in mind that I was just supposed to finish the task and hand in some kind of ‘product’. However, in this frenetic race against the clock, I forgot to think about the real reason why I was writing.
Now, in the light of the theory, I discovered that the Prewriting phase can still be improved I my case, trying to make clear how ideas are interrelated, maybe through a web, mind map or some other kind of diagram. Even though I wrote the ideas, I never structured them before starting to write. And as regards what follows the preliminary-notes section, it can be said that it is not still a writing, but a draft. This Drafting phase can still be improved, since I had many ideas, but I did not narrow the focus of my writing. I should have also devoted some time to think about an interesting introduction, and I also should have provided a solid conclusion, which is missing in the draft. Once the drafting phase is accomplished, I should move on to the following steps in the writing process: revising, editing and publishing.

Finally, the appropriate format for a writing was not respected. I was not aware of the existence of MLA or APA formats, and I should also take them into account when I write.

Link to the G-DOC: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BBZXrxjgsaIHGgs9Q0M7HE9orOtqwNsmggZpS8g8vBg/edit

Welcome one and all!

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read my blog. I created it for my Writing lessons at the Teaching Training College. Being honest, I really do not consider myself as a good writer. I am just an ordinary girl who still believes in magic and fairy tales, trying to put her ideas on paper.
I really hope you like this blog and enjoy reading what I post, as much as I enjoy writing!
See you soon..